Ancestry UK

Home for Orphan Boys, Brighton, Sussex

The Home for Orphan Boys was established in Brighton in 1862 with the Earl of Chichester as its patron. Its object was to provide for 'young orphan boys, of the lower middle class, who have lost one or both parents, and are in very poor circumstances.' The Home's original premises were at 17 Bath Street, Brighton. It was enlarged in 1877, and by 1889 could accommodate up to 100 boys in its new location of 46-48 Buckingham Place, Brighton.

Boys seeking admission were required to be between 7 and 12 years of age. A guarantee was required for payment of £15 a year, quarterly in advance, which covered board, clothing, and education. An outfit also had to be provided. Applicants had to supply a medical certificate and certificates of birth and baptism and marriage of parents.

Inmates remained until the age of 14. An outfit was provided by the Home for each boy on leaving. In 1888, there were 36 inmates at the home.

The Buckingham Place premises were later converted to private residential use.


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  • None identfied at present — any information welcome.



  • None identified at present.