Ancestry UK

1881 Census: Sutcliffe Industrial School, Walcot Buildings, Walcot, Somerset

William GIGGW59MHeadHead Master S I SchoolFreshford, Somerset
Mary Ann GIGGU55FSisterMatron Of The SchoolFreshford, Somerset
William SLADEM54MHeadAssistant S MasterRowde, Wiltshire
Maryann SLADEM51FWife (Head)Assistant S MasterChesfield, Suffolk
William SLADEU16MSonPrinter Compositor (Apprentice)St.Burgan, Cornwall
Alice S. SLADEU18FDaurPupil Teacher (Apprentice)St.Burgan, Cornwall
Edwin C. BAILEY11MScholarBath, Somerset
William BOX14MScholarBath, Somerset
Henry BULLOCK11MScholarBox, Wiltshire
Thomas H. COOK9MScholarBath, Somerset
Charles COX11MScholarBath, Somerset
William DEVERELL9MScholarTwerton On Avon, Somerset
Albert EVANS11MScholarBath, Somerset
William FRY12MScholarBath, Somerset
James HARRIS12MScholarBath, Somerset
Herbert HOLMES11MScholarBath, Somerset
Edward HOPKINS10MScholarBath, Somerset
Herbet HUMPHRIES10MScholarBath, Somerset
Arthur E HYDEN10MScholarBath, Somerset
William MATTHEWS12MScholarBath, Somerset
George NORRIS11MScholarBath, Somerset
Edward SMITH11MScholarTwerton On Avon, Somerset
James SMITH12MScholarBath, Somerset
George TAYLOR13MScholarWeston, Somerset
Charles THOMAS13MScholarBath, Somerset
William H. WALKER12MScholarBath, Somerset
Oliver WILCOX12MScholarBath, Somerset

Total residents: 27