Ancestry UK

Coburg Home, Brompton, London

The Coburg Home was founded in 1853 as a home for orphan or deserted and destitute girls from any locality. The Home occupied premises at 66 Thistle Grove, Brompton, London SW10, where 20 girls could be accommodated.

Applicants for admission had to be between 4 and 10 years of age and to provide a birth certificate. They were required to have been vaccinated and bring complete a change of clothing, two pairs of boots, and a brush and comb. Parents could visit children on the first Monday of every month, and friends, once in three months. A guarantee for the payment of £14 a year was required, with a month's notice before the removal of a child. By the 1880s, the children attended the Chelsea Board School for their education. Girls are kept until at least 15 years of age and then sent out to service.

The Home appears to have ceased operation by the 1890s.


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  • None identfied at present — any information welcome.


  • None identified at present.