Home for Motherless Little Girls, Eastbourne, Sussex

The Home for Motherless Little Girls (also known as Miss Lee's Home) was established in 1871 by Miss Jane Susan Lee to provide maintenance and training for destitute children. In the 1880s, the Home occupied premises at The Dale on Upperton Road, Eastbourne, where up to 40 girls could be accommodated.

Those admitted were normally between the ages of 4 and 12 years, with certificates and recommendations required according to the nature of the case. No payment was required for those who were destitute. Inmates were trained for domestic service, and remained until they were capable of taking situations, when outfits were provided.

By around 1890, the Home had moved to 1 Hurst Road, Eastbourne.

Miss Lee died in 1904, by which time the home appears to have closed.


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  • None identfied at present — any information welcome.


  • None identified at present.