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Servants' Training Institution for Orphans, Wootton, Northamptonshire

A Servants' Training Institution was founded in 1857 by a committee whose members included Mr Albert pell. The Institution at Wootton, Northamptonshire,. Up to six girls, aged from 13 to 18, were instructed in domestic service, combined with a moral and religious training. The establishment also took in laundry and needlework. A payment of 5s. a week was required, together with a certificate of good character and health.

In 1859, the Institution advertised the availability of 'an airy and cheerful bedroom and sitting-room, furnished, with attendance to a single lady or two sisters, at the rate of 10s. per week.' As well as generating income, this also gave the girls the opportunity of practising their domestic skills in a more realistic situation.

In 1861, the Institution moved to new premises on St James' Street, Northampton, and renamed the Servants' Training Institution for Orphans. The new home could accommodate around 8 girls aged from 13 to 17 at their age of admission. Amongst their activities, the inmates now carried out the preparation of meals for the sick and poor in the area.

In 1867, the Institution moved again, to 45 Horsemarket, Northampton. The Institution advertised that tickets could be purchased to provide items such as cooked meat and beef tea for sick persons.

In 1868, the Institution's committee decided to convert the establishment into the Northamptonshire Orphanage for Girls. The Orphanage briefly continued to occupy the Wootton premises before moving to a new property in Northampton in July, 1870.


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  • None identfied at present — any information welcome.


  • None identified at present.